At Ajanta Vihara institute of spiritual sciences the intention of our energy therapies is to bring energy into the patient or balance the energy within a patient. Energy therapy or energy medicine is a form of alternative therapy based on the belief that a vital energy flows through the human body and if this energy is balanced in a patient will not only reduce stress and anxiety but can treat some very severe illnesses and diseases by tapping various types of energy fields like aura fields and bio fields of a person.
There are many kinds of energy therapies, some which use treatments such as light, sound, and magnets while others use vibrations, quantum touch and elemental energies.
We, at Ajanta Vihara use a lot of chakra healing (not the conventional kinds, this is unique to our practice), vibrational healing and elemental energy therapies. The energy therapy which I have been able to design is a very specific approach to energy healing that induces deep relaxation and restores the body’s natural flow of energy, facilitating self-healing.

Clinical Hypnotherapy
This therapy is practiced under supervision of a well-trained hypnotherapist. A person is taken into a heightened state of awareness that is sometimes called a trance through a deep relaxation, followed by guided concentration through a script which enables a person to connect with the source of the trauma, pain, illness, disease or emotion. As the person chooses to willingly get into this state of hypnosis, anything happening around the person is either ignored by the person or is temporarily blocked by the conscious mind of the person to allow sub conscious mind to take over.
This enables the therapist to help the person focus their attention on a specific thought, problem or emotion and remove it from the source or do the closure.
Through hypnotherapy we allow the use of relaxed state to explore a possible root cause of any presenting problem the patient has by tapping memories of past or current (any aspect of past) which is hidden in subconscious. It can make a person respond to suggestions which can help a person change behaviours like drinking, smoking and can also help do some closures. Click here to know more about clinical hypnotherapy
Spiritual Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is an alternate therapy which involves hypnosis which unlike many schools of thoughts is not a controlled state of imagination but a purely natural state that allows direct access to the subconscious mind. Subconscious mind is where our learned behaviour pattern-making systems reside.
Spiritual Hypnosis refers to accessing the deep roots of your subconscious and finding answers about your life. This form of hypnotherapy aims to find answers through past life regression (PLR) and also by identifying the true purpose of your soul. If you are facing failures to finding love in your life, or have a constant pain in your body or even suffer from unexplainable fears like crossing the road or going into the water, then Spiritual Hypnotherapy can help you resolve these problems. This form of hypnotherapy also answers questions related to your spirit and soul, like who is your true soulmate, how do I find my angels, spirit guides and elders, why did i choose to be born in this particular family, what is left incomplete in my past life that needs to be accomplished in this one and so on.
Spiritual Hypnotherapy is an intense and deep journey into your soul and existence and reveals things that are sure to surprise you. Click here to know more about Spiritual hypnotherapy.
Combination Therapy
Combination therapy refers to using an amalgamation of different energy therapies and modalities to address issues that are complicated and require healing at a body, mind, energy and soul level.
As each case is unique, the combination therapies are also designed keeping in mind the requirements of what issue need to be resolved. Combination therapy can be used to heal problems related to the physical body (like pains, aches etc.), the emotional and mental state (depression, anxiety, aggressions, lack of concentration etc.), spiritual questions (what is my life's purpose, why am I unable to be happy in life etc.) and energy related issues (depletion of your chi, unbalanced chakras, mismatch between the feminine and masculine energies etc.). Click here to know more about combination therapy .