A unique initiative devised by Jyoti (founder-director Ajanta Vihara Institute Of Spiritual Sciences), the Happiness Collective is about embracing joy and positivity in your life by understanding the true meaning of happiness for yourself. The collective focuses on not just you as an individual, but encourages you to spread the joy around you and build a happiness community.
We offer two paths- Happiness Influencer and Certified Happiness Professional – for this journey. And we invite you to become a part of the Happiness Collective Club that keeps you connected with this community of awakened and conscious souls.

Happiness Influencer
Happiness is not an activity or an action. It does not require any external dependency. Happiness is within all of us but not all are able to experience it as their reality. The process of happiness requires us to develop skill sets to leave behind all the pain, anger, negative and low frequency emotions and embrace positivity and love so we can be in a state of gratitude.
This journey with is designed to help you explore, experience and exercise a frequency shift in your consciousness, to expand your existing reality to encompass happiness and other higher frequency emotions.
Certified Happiness Professional
The journey to happiness as the state of being is not a smooth ride as there is a lot of shadow work which needs to be done which requires going within oneself. Once the mind is made up then it becomes an adventurous and valuable journey. It has both tangible and intangible experiences built in for a complete understanding of self as body, mind, energy and spirit. The core of life is happiness and abundance and that is where eventually this journey will lead you.
Focus of this journey is to explore, experience and exercise a sustainable world of happiness within, around and beyond one's environment. This journey will transform you into a happy, motivated, empathetic and confident human being, with high acceptance of value and love for self and others. Upon the completion of this journey, you will emerge as a productive, focused, optimistic and confident professional.

This collective is a result of decades of conscious research and is intended to impart understanding between the relationship of human being, mind and the universe.
By becoming a part of this collective, you will allow yourself to be guided towards discovering your true aligned potential as your “Being” and this will enable you to gain the clarity and confidence to design your human reality. You will rediscover what happiness and wellbeing truly mean for you and understand how to build your resilience for a better quality of life.
The collective organises events, seminars, webinars, and many other such engaging activities so that you can maintain and remember the core of your happiness. For further details, sign up for our monthly newsletter to keep abreast with the latest updates from Ajanta Vihara.
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